Portrait of Paco Kleitz

I'm Paco Kleitz.

I am a software engineer with a strong interest in distributed systems and cybersecurity. Throughout my work and studies, I've actively pursued projects and coursework in these areas, allowing me to gain hands-on experience and knowledge.

I am proficient in backend development using Go, Python and Rust. Additionally, I have a solid grasp of DevOps tooling and cloud services, including Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible and GCP/AWS/Azure, enabling me to optimize the deployment and management of software applications.

While my focus lies primarily in backend development and DevOps, I also possess experience with the various stages of the machine learning development lifecycle, from data preprocessing and model training to model evaluation and deployment. I am familiar with machine learning libraries such as PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, and MLFlow, which enables me to contribute effectively to projects across the entire machine learning development process.

What truly excites me are ambitious projects that prioritize reliability, maintainability, and scalability. By combining my technical expertise with a problem-solving mindset, I strive to develop software solutions that address real-world challenges.